LOTTO SHT rekordy2

There’s only 12 days left until the Lotto Strzegom Horse Trials. Let’s remind the most interesting facts and records in 15 years history of the event.

 1. Successful debut - Strzegom Horse Trials was first introduced in 2003 together with World Cup series. It was won by Swedish rider- Linda Algotsson on Stand By Me. Linda Algotsson was also the winner of the whole series.

2. Double role - in the first edition of World Cup Marcin Konarski performed in a double role of a rider and an Organizing Director. The unfortunate fall on one of the last fences on the cross-country followed by an injury has finished Marcin sports career.

3. Over 500 tons of gravel was put on Morawa Hippodrome after massive rains pouring down over Strzegom during the event in 2005. The event was carried on till the end.

4. 290000 CHF worth half a million PLN was in a bank to win at World Cup Final in 2009.

5. Change of structure: in 2012 International Equestrian Federation changes the structure of the event. World Cup is transformed to Nations Cup.

6. The record-breaking year 2016: 353 horses take part in competition and names of competitors from 25 countries can be found on the entries list.

7. 3061 horses were cantering on hippodrome in Morawa in 81 competitions which have taken place over 15 years of this event.

8. Women on the podium: women won World Cup twice, men seven times. In the individual classification of Nations Cup this in 2: 3 ratio for men.

9. World Cup Record breakers: the country that has won the biggest number of World & Nations Cup competition is Germany (six times World Cup and three times Nations Cup).

10. The Master: an absolute record breaker in terms of winning is German rider Michael Jung who won World Cup competition three times in a row 2009. 2010 &2011). Michael Jung was also the best rider in individual classification of Nations Cup in 2014.

11. La Biosthetique - Sam FBW ridden by Michael Jung is the only horse who won the Cup competition twice (World Cup Final 2009, Nations Cup individual classification in 2014.

12. In a pouring rain: only once in SHT history the event wasn’t finished. In 2013 heavy rain forced Organizers to discontinue Nations Cup competition.

13. Family affairs: for Swedish riders- Algotsson sisters- Linda and Sara, competing in Strzegom brought win twice. Linda won the first edition of World Cup (2003), Sara won three stars competition CCI in 2013 and her husband Frank Ostholt from Germany was first in World Cup competition in 2007.

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Czwartek / Thursday, 20.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Piątek / Friday, 21.06.2024
Ujeżdżenie / Dressage

Sobota / Saturday, 22.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping

Niedziela / Sunday, 23.06.2024
Cross country
Skoki / Showjumping





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FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ Calendar 2024

 Montelibretti (ITA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  14-17.03.2024
 Chatsworth (GBR)  CCIO4*-NC-S  17-10.05.2024
 Millstreet (IRL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  30.05-02.06.2024
 Avenches (SUI)  CCIO4*-NC-S  06-09.06.2024
 Strzegom (POL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  20-23.06.2024
 Arville (BEL)  CCIO4*-NC-S  15-18.08.2024
 Lignières (FRA)  CCIO4*-NC-S  26-29.09.2024
 Boekelo (NED)  CCIO4*-NC-L  10-13.10.2024